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What I've learned about Yoga - a holistic practice

Writer's picture: Empower WellnessEmpower Wellness
Teacher adjusting a yoga student in shavasana

Hey there fellow seekers of balance and well-being, movers and groovers! Today, let's dive into the wonderful world of holistic yoga and explore the myriad benefits that this ancient practice brings to our modern lives. As a lot of you may know, I have been away on a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Greece. This trainingm whilst learning some further asana (postures) for classes, was mostly about learning more of the phylosophy, history and other aspects of Yoga which I hadn't yet delved into myself.

This is in deed a very short summary of some of those things but I hope will give you some insight into the beautiful practice that is Yoga, in all of it's parts - not just on the mat.

1. Mind-Body Harmony

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to feel like our minds are running on overdrive while our bodies struggle to keep up. Holistic yoga serves as the ultimate bridge between these two realms, creating a harmonious symphony of movement, breath, and mindfulness. As you flow through the asanas, you'll find your mind and body syncing up like never before, fostering a sense of unity and balance that permeates every aspect of your life. This also comes into practice off the mat, it is about becoming more present in life and in our choices, our actions, and how we interact with those around us. Mindfulness isn't just about breathing and meditation, but it's about a deeper awareness in everything we do day to day.

2. Stress-Busting Superpowers

Life's pressures can sometimes feel like an unrelenting storm. Luckily, holistic yoga provides a sturdy umbrella of relaxation and stress relief. The intentional focus on breathwork and meditation within this practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system, signaling to your body that it's time to chill. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a calmer, more centered you. Again, our on the mat practice translates off the mat as well. The more we train our parasympathetic nervous system - AKA eleviating stress and physically calming the body - the easier it is for us to manage day to day stress and be resilient to stress in our lives. It also helpes us to gain perpsective on life, so we can become less reactive in how we communicate and act and instead more responsive and aware.

3. Flexibility Beyond the Yoga Mat

Sure, you'll become more flexible physically, but the benefits of holistic yoga extend far beyond touching your toes. The practice encourages flexibility in thinking, fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of life's twists and turns. As you learn to flow with the postures, you'll find that this newfound flexibility seamlessly integrates into your everyday decision-making and problem-solving. This is an age old aspect of yoga, the body and the mind are intrisincly linked, the more we strengthen the body, the stronger the mind also becomes. The same is said for mobility and flexibility, the more flexible our physical body becomes, the more flexibile our mind becomes. Opening us up to new perspectives, new possiblities and new ways of being. We all know how beneficial this can be in our ever changing world and environment.

4. A Mindful Journey Inward

Holistic yoga isn't just about striking a pose; it's about the inner journey. Through meditation and mindfulness practices, you'll develop a heightened sense of self-awareness. This self-reflection becomes a compass, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and ultimately, your true self. Self awareness comes back to the afermentioned awareness and prescence. The more aware we are of our inner state, it takes us away from the feeling of being 'Controlled by out emotions' and instead observing our emotions or even being in control of them ourselves. Not only does this allow us to be calmer and gentler with ourselves, but also with the people around us.

5. Energy Boost, Sans Caffeine

Who needs that second cup of coffee when you have a holistic yoga practice? The combination of movement, breath, and meditation provides a natural and sustained energy boost. Bid farewell to the caffeine rollercoaster and embrace the steady vitality that comes from aligning your body and mind. If you've ever tried an intense breathwork class, you'll know the power of your breath. It can soothe you into a deep meditative state, or energise you and wake you up! Using the breath is an epic way to boost your energy and vitality naturally.

6. Emotional Resilience

Life throws curveballs, but a holistic yoga practice teaches you how to gracefully catch and release them. By cultivating emotional resilience on the mat, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of life off the mat. It's like having an emotional toolkit, ready to handle whatever comes your way with grace and poise. One of the great things I learned, or really relearned in my training is the importance of both release and acceptance. Releasing feelings is so necessary, whether that is crying, laughing, shaking or whatever your (safe) movement may be - releasing is how we let go of energy that needs to be let go of. Feeling feelings is also so important, it's easy to feel good feelings - we love them! But it's equally important to feel the negative or heavier feelings, these days we are often told or tell ourselves 'you can do it', 'tough it out', 'you're stronger than this'. These are all 'positive and motivational', however they have one downfall - they almost unvalidate that feeling and what it means for us. It is SO important to allow yourself to feel, accept and appreciate every emotion and feeling we have - only then can you allow yourself to release it and move on. Once we can master this, our emotional resilience and maturity becomes a super power.

In a world that often feels fragmented, holistic yoga acts as a unifying force, weaving together the threads of mind, body, and spirit into a beautiful tapestry of well-being. So, roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and embark on a journey toward wholeness that goes far beyond the physical postures. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you. It is my dream in the coming months to create some short workshops to share some of this amzing and eye opening knowledge with you all. In the mean time join me in class or at home on your mat and find your own flow. Namaste! 🙏

Mads x

Yoga teacher meditating with clients on yoga mat, kneeling with hands on heart and belly

Qualified yoga teacher with training teachers on an outdoor yoga deck, all dressed in white



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